Children & Prams

Travelling with little passengers

Woman with child in pram boarding busMetlink welcomes passengers travelling with children in prams, strollers and buggies (prams). Children under 5 travel free, and there's no extra charge to bring a pram on board. The best time to travel with a pram is during off-peak hours. 

Buses, trains and ferries have varying capacity for prams, and they may be required to be folded in some circumstances. When a pram must be folded, the child(ren) must be seated with their carer. Children under 5 years old must be accompanied by a passenger who is at least 10 years old.

The basics

Staying safe on board

Buses and trains are moving vehicles and can brake or turn suddenly. Public transport vehicles don't have seatbelts, so it is safest for small children to be seated on a carer's lap, and not standing or climbing on seats or in aisles. Children old enough to sit by themselves in a seat should still be closely attended by a carer to ensure their safety. However, when services are busy, we ask that children are seated on a carer's lap to free up a seat for another passenger.

If carers want children to remain in their prams while they're on the bus or train, the brakes must be applied, the child securely fastened into the pram, and pram must be able to go down the aisle and be stowed fully in the priority seating area. Prams should be positioned away from the direction of travel, if possible.

Last published: Thursday, 8 February 2024 at 5:58 am