Performance of our network

Metrics for performance

On this page, you will find some key metrics that we use to monitor the performance of our Metlink network. The way we measure performance varies by mode, reflecting the different environments in which buses and trains operate.

Patronage graphs are updated weekly, punctuality and reliability graphs are updated fortnightly, and other metrics are updated and published to this page monthly.

Bus performance

Bus patronage 

This graph tracks how many people around the region board our buses.

Bus reliability

The bus reliability measure shows the percentage of scheduled services that actually ran as tracked by our RTI and Snapper systems. 

The graphs below track the performance of buses as they provide service on our Metlink network. As this is overall performance, the level of service provided will vary by route.

Bus punctuality

The bus punctuality measure shows the percentage of scheduled services that depart from origin, leaving between one minute early and five minutes late.

Rail performance

Rail patronage 

This graph tracks how many people around the region board our trains. Patronage counts for 2019 patronage comes from paper tickets, while 2023 and 2024 are counted from snapper only, and do not include cash sales or paper tickets. 

Rail reliability

The rail reliability measure shows the percentage of scheduled services that depart from the origin and key stations no earlier than 30 seconds before the scheduled time, meet the consist size for the scheduled service, and stop at all stations timetabled for the service. 

The graphs below track the performance of trains as they provide service on our Metlink network. As this is overall performance, the level of service provided will vary by line.

Rail punctuality

The rail punctuality measure records the percentage of services arriving at key interchange stations and final destination within five minutes of the scheduled time.

Monthly performance report

Here you can find the monthly reports that we have prepared for the Greater Wellington Regional Council Transport Committee, showing key public transport metrics. We will publish the reports here once they are completed each month.

Bus performance data

Here you will find weekly data for bus punctuality, reliability, and passenger boardings, for each route in our network. We will update this monthly. For the same information on Rail please see the Metlink Monthly Performance Report

Network patronage data

In the file below you will find data for bus, rail and ferry:

  • Monthly boardings by mode, from July 1999 onwards (updated monthly)
  • Annual boardings by mode, peak and off-peak, from 2001/02 onwards 
  • Annual passenger kilometres travelled by mode, from 1999/00 onwards 

Last published: Tuesday, 30 April 2024 at 12:07 am