Reminder: Metlink fare increase from 1 July

Tickets & Fares

Fares on bus, rail, and ferry are increasing by 10% from 1 July.

The Greater Wellington Regional Council agreed to the increase earlier this year, through the annual fares review, to keep up with inflationary pressures from increasing network costs.

From 1 July, a peak adult fare will cost an additional $0.18-$1.60 across the network’s 14 zones.

The cost of a two-zone bus journey for an adult using a Snapper card will increase from $3.02 to $3.32 during peak and $1.51 to $1.66 during off-peak times.

Cost of an average five-zone rail journey for an adult using a Snapper card will increase from $5.52 to $6.07 during peak and $2.76 to $3.04 during off-peak times.

Passengers are encouraged to apply for the discounts available to them, through Community Connect and Tertiary concessions, and to make the most of the half price off-peak fares.

Half-price off-peak fares apply to all Snapper journeys, including concessions. Travel off-peak before 7am on bus, between 9am-3pm and after 6:30pm on bus and rail on weekdays, and all day on weekends and public holidays. 

For more fare information, visit: link)