Paraparaumu Transport Hub

Stations Bus Stops


We are working towards a brand new transport hub for Paraparaumu. The upgrade includes creating people-friendly, functional and safe spaces. A larger, safer and more convenient bus interchange and taxi parking area will be set within a fully accessible public plaza.

Construction started in September 2022 and is expected to be finished by 2024. Works include:

  • constructing a new bus loading and unloading area
  • developing new accessible plaza spaces including, cultural art features, landscaping and lighting
  • installing new seating, paving and bus and pedestrian shelters
  • improving the footpath and area around Kāpiti Lights.


Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) is working with Kāpiti Coast District Council (KCDC) on this project.

Excerpt from KCDC Website

"Upgrading our transport hub is one of the key projects of the Paraparaumu town centre masterplan(external link). The masterplan was developed in response to construction of the Expressway and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s conversion of the old State Highway 1 into a fit-for-purpose local road.

It aims to make Paraparaumu the heart of our district, and the main area for retail, commercial, cultural and civic activity."

More information is available on the KCDC website.

KCDC: Paraparaumu Transport Hub(external link)



Paraparaumu is growing! To cater to this growth, we are working in partnership with KCDC to create a brand new transport hub, boasting three new dedicated stops, one layover space for 1-2 buses and beautiful living roof shelters. These streetscape improvements will significantly improve the bus and rail connection for the retail area, as well as better accessibility for all.

A ‘kiss and ride’ zone will allow drivers to pull off the road safely to drop off or pick up passengers.

A new fully accessible plaza, connected by a traffic light-controlled pedestrian crossing, will extend across both sides of the road. The plaza will be a place to relax, meet up with friends, or wait for a bus, train or taxi. It will feature new plantings, bus and pedestrian shelters, seating, and cultural elements. A new 10-bay bike park with charging for e-bikes and scooters will securely store bikes and scooters for riders transferring to public transport or visiting the shops. Spacious new footpaths on the western (retail) side of the road will improve pedestrian access to Kāpiti Lights.

Some of the pohutukawa trees located in the former car park near the old state highway were removed to make way for the bus interchange and public plaza. The remaining trees will feature in the new public plaza.

The pedestrian underpass will remain in place. 

Questions about this project?
If you have any questions about this project, please get in touch with us.