Consultation Response Form

Your feedback is important to us.

All information about proposed changes is delivered directly to residents in the area of consultation. This ensures that feedback gathered is relevant to those affected. If you did not receive the information about a consultation in your area, please contact the Metlink Contact Centre.

We need some details.

Please note: Personal information provided to Metlink will only be used and shared by Metlink to communicate with you regarding bus stops and shelters in your area, or where otherwise permitted by law. You can contact to request access to or correction of the information held about you.

If you do not have an email address, you can return your paper forms in the freepost envelope included with the information that was sent to you.


If you'd like to give feedback for multiple stops or consultations, a form needs to be filled out separately for each one. When you finish and submit this form, you'll see an option to fill out another form.



Proposal details are available to read online.

Information about Lyall Bay Bus Depot Proposal(external link)



Question 1

Please indicate your preferred bus access route, and explain why.

Proposed routes for not in service buses:

  • Route A, via Onepu Road, Lyall Parade and Tirangi Road.
  • Route B, via Onepu Road, Coutts Street and Tirangi Road.
  • Route C, via Rongotai Road, Ross Street, Coutts Street and Tirangi Road.

map showing 3 proposed routes for not in service buses

Which route would you prefer?


Question 2

Please indicate what you'd like to see incorporated in the external and perimeter design of the depot. Note that operating requirements may prevent suggestions being incorporated.


Question 3

Do you have any general comments on the proposed bus depot?


Question 4

Are there any other impacts to the community this depot could bring, positive and negative? Please explain why.

Do you support this proposal?
Do you support the new bus shelter included in this proposal?
Which of these focus areas are most important to you?



Last published: Wednesday, 24 April 2024 at 3:01 am