On Bus Announcements feedback form

We're currently implementing a phased introduction of the On Bus Announcement system across the entire Metlink fleet of buses, and working through any volume and location accuracy issues on particular buses along the way.

The aim is for the announcements to feel "conversational" in volume, and we're continually working towards this as each bus is enabled with the system. Your feedback helps us get the balance right, since volume is affected by several factors on board.

If you have feedback about your experience on board, please note the 4-digit bus fleet number (found on decals inside and on the outside of the bus, or by asking the driver), so that we can address any issues more efficiently.

We have made some commitments to the accessible community:

  • The system will be installed on every bus on the network, and will announce every bus stop on every trip. This will help enable all users of public transport, including those with disabilities and impairments, to travel more independently with confidence and dignity. 
  • The system will announce all stops during both off-peak and peak commuter times, because riders that benefit from this system travel during all times of the day. These systems are common in major cities and overseas.

More information(external link)


Feedback form

You are entering personal details into this form. Metlink will not share your personal information to a third party for any reason.

You are not required to provide information about any disabilities, impairments or conditions to provide feedback. If you need assistance to complete this form, please call our Contact Centre on 0800 801 700.



The volume levels have been thoroughly tested with members of the disability community and bus drivers to determine appropriate volume ranges. To ensure consistent and clear announcements for those who need it most, drivers can't change the volume or turn the system off.


In your personal experience, was the volume appropriate for you?


Voice & pronunciation

The system uses a high-quality text-to-speech software to create natural sounding announcements. They are not audio recordings. Te reo place names have been programmed into the system by a third party expert in te reo Māori. Other Metlink data publishing systems don't yet include macrons for the stop & route names that appear on these screens, but we're working on it.


In your personal experience, was the voice clear for you?


Display & information

Screen graphics are designed to meet accessibility requirements for colour contrast and clarity. The appearance of text size depends on how close someone is to the screen. We've aimed for a balance between the amount of information and the text size within a limited screen area. 

Points of interest for stops are based on community services, historic landmarks, public venues and local attractions.




Did you notice any problems with the system during your trip? If so, make sure you fill in the first question on this form about which bus you were on, so we can get it fixed.


Any other comments or feedback

Last published: Monday, 24 June 2024 at 12:30 am